Shorelines give us places to relax, fish, swim and experience the water with friends and family. In addition to providing access to the water, shorelines play an important role in water quality, habitat and protection of your real-estate. As a buffer to the lakes edge, shorelines have the capacity to infiltrate and filter and provide structural integrity to protect your property against erosion.
Our shorelines are constantly changing. Forces of nature, such as rain, wind and ice, along human influence from boat waves, construction and increased runoff can all contribute to erosion and damage at the water’s edge. The result of these influences are cloudy water, increased algae and loss of land. This reduces your usability (fishing, swimming) and reduces the value of your property.
When design properly, healthy shorelines don’t have to look wild and wooly or limit your ability to have useable space or take away from areas for swimming, fishing and other activities. Instead they can enhance your family experience

We Have the Right Solution for You
Without the right tools, protecting your lakefront property can be challenging and costly. Every shoreline is different, even along the same waterway. Permitting can be confusing and not incorporating the right approach for your site can result in a solution that doesn’t last or causes more damage to the shoreline.
Whether you are looking for permanent protection or just simply looking to beautify your lakefront experience, Agrecol and Envirolok offer a variety of product solutions for any waterway edge. We have the tools and connections to make design, permitting and installation easy.

Erosion at the water’s edge are more likely caused by the action of moving water. This could include wave action, wind, ice, water currents.

Erosion at top of slopes or areas away from the water’s edge are most often a result of stormwater runoff, extreme flooding or removal / decline of vegetation.

Natural shoreline solutions can increase property value by as much as $200/ linear foot in compared to traditional methods
How Do I Get Started
Getting started is easier than you think. Just follow the steps below and we can get you pointed in the right direction. Once you better understand the relationship of the water and the land you can choose the right product.

Don’t forget to contact your local permitting agency before you get started. In addition to approvals, their team can provide guidance to make the process simple.